Seven Studio

Modern Digital Solutions

Web Development

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About Us

Proin sed ipsum bibendum, bibendum urna nec dignissim iaculis. Donec ultricies, tortor eu blandit posuere, diam eros rutrum semet nulla. Fusce congue, elit a lacinia luctus, augue magna fringilla tortor, et ornare est turpis ut est.

Donec ultricies, tortor eu blandit posuere et nulla. Fusce congue – elit a lacinia luctus, augue magna fringilla tortor et ornare.

We Are Creative

Donec ultricies, tortor eu blandit posuere, diam eros rutrum sem, at scelerisque nisl lectus et nulla. Fusce congue – elit a lacinia luctus, augue magna fringilla tortor et ornare.

We Are Innovative

Dam eros rutrum sem, at scelerisque nisl lectus et congue, elit a lacinia luctus nulla. Fusce congue – elit a lacinia luctus, augue magna fringilla tortor et ornare.

We Are Professional

Donec congue elit a lacinia luctus - ultricies tortor eu blandit posuerl lectus et nulla. Fusce congue – elit a lacinia luctus, augue magna fringilla tortor ornare lorem ipsum nulla.

Featured Projects

Vivamus rutrum ante. Etiam vel lacus sed tellus dignissim iaculis. Donec ultricies, tortor eu blandit posuere, diam eros rutrum semet nulla. Fusce congue, elit a lacinia luctus, augue magna fringilla tortor, et ornare est turpis ut est.


Family – Rhinotermitidae Subterranean Coptotermes Acinaciformis is basically present over the entire Australian mainland. Found commonly throughout Melbourne this is the most destructive, economically significant termite species in Australia. It attacks all timber in service accounting for more than 70% of the serious damage to buildings. Soil contact is desirable for this species, but not…


Family – TermopsidaeDampwood Coptotermes Acinaciformis is basically present over the entire Australian mainland. Found commonly throughout Melbourne this is the most destructive, economically significant termite species in Australia. It attacks all timber in service accounting for more than 70% of the serious damage to buildings. Soil contact is desirable for this species, but not essential,…


Family – Termitidae Subterranean This species of termite is common throughout Victoria, Canberra and parts of New South Wales particularly in urban areas or where eucalypt trees are abundant. They construct low above ground mounds of various sizes and in Northern Victoria it nests underground. They can cause severe damage to timber buildings and structures.…


Family – Rhinotermitidae Subterranean Commonly known as the ‘Milk Termite’ this species are often confused with Coptotermes frenchi and distinguishing these species is difficult and should be done by and expert. The soldiers of C. frenchi and C.lacteus have pear-shaped heads, while the heads of C. acinaciformis soldiers are more rectangular. They are common in…

Our Services

Vibendum, bibendum urna nec dignissim iaculis. Donec ultricies, tortor eu blandit posuere, diam eros rutrum semet nulla.

Fusce congue, elit a lacinia luctus, augue magna fringilla tortor, et ornare est turpis ut est. Donec ultricies, tortor eu blandit posuere et nulla – elit a lacinia luctus, augue magna fringilla tortor et ornare.

Online Marketing

Sed tellus dignissim iaculis. Donec ultricies posuere, diam eros rutrum sem, at scelerisque nisl lectus et nulla. Fusce congue – elit a lacinia luctus, augue magna fringilla tortor et ornare.
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Web Design

Donec ultricies, tortor eu blandit posuere, diam eros rutrum sem, at scelerisque nisl lectus et nulla. Fusce congue – elit a lacinia luctus, augue magna fringilla tortor et ornare.
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Donec ultricies, tortor eu blandit ! Sed tellus dignissi eu blandit posuere, diam eros rutrum sem, at scelerisque nisl lectus et nulla. Fusce congue - fringilla tortor et ornare.
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Mobile Apps

Donec ultricies, tortor eu blandit ! Sed tellus dignissim iaculis. Donec ultricies, tortor eu blandit posuere, diam eros rutrum semla. Fusce congue - fringilla tortor et ornare.
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Meet the Team

Donec ultricies, tortor eu blandit posuere, diam eros rutrum semet nulla. Fusce congue, elit a lacinia luctus, augue magna fringilla tortor, et ornare est turpis ultricies, tortor eu blandit posuere et nulla. Fusce congue – elit a lacinia luctus, augue magna fringilla tortor.

Richard Black

marketing specialist

Tiffany White

project manager

Alex Brown


Maria Green

lead designer

From the Blog

Vlandit posuere, diam eros rutrum semet nullasce congue, elit a lacinia luctus, augue magna fringilla tortor, et ornare est turpis ultricies, tortor eu blandit posu lacinia luctus, augue magna fringilla tortor.

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1 (234) 567-891