
There are three distinct groups into which termites can be divided:

There are several species of Dampwood termites found in Australia. Dampwood termites are much larger than subterranean termites and can grow as large as 15 mm long. They have a large head with mandibles (pincers) on the front. 

Moisture is critical for the survival of this species of termite, so identifying and rectifying any moisture problems that exist around the home is an important part of Dampwood termite control. Plumbing problems, leaks in roofs or rainwater drainage are all examples of situations that may need to be addressed.

Dampwood termites do not typically nest in the soil and are seldom found in the dry timbers of buildings. They form small independent nests, preferring to invade wood that is on the ground, especially if it is dead and decaying. They do not make tunnels like subterranean termites and the wood that Dampwood termites have damaged usually looks clean and smooth inside often being eaten across the grain, especially in wood that is decayed.